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Human Resources Management - Leadership


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12 November 2007

A Culture of Leadership Leadership has sometimes been described as taking people to a place that they would not normally go to on their own. Once a sound strategic planning process has determined what that place should be it is the leader's prime and fundamental responsibility to assure that there is cultural alignment with the vision and that the full resources of the organization are effectively brought to bear to achieve that destination.   
Beware the Shortcut to the Top Promotion by pedigree, or even potential, can be a fast track to failure. The best leaders prove themselves by performance—every step of the way.  
Bridging the Complexity Gap: Leading Effectively in a VUCA World In the weeks before September 11, the U.S. Army War College coined the term VUCA to stand for volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environments. Globalization, information technology, economic and political instability, and climate change create a level of interconnection and interdependence that requires a new kind of leadership. Studies by KMPG and IBM[1] identify navigating in this environment as a critical success factor for leaders. The most important resource you have under your control for navigating this complexity is your leadership mindset—the collection of beliefs, values, assumptions and experiences, often unconscious, that inform how you interpret your world and take action. Is your leadership mindset prepared for how the VUCA world shows up in your organization? 2012 new
Delegation Poor delegation, advantages of delegation, how to delegate, authority, responsibility, tasks you should not delegate, tasks after delegating  
Delegation - The Art of ... Article by  Gerard M Blair   
Difference Between Management And Leadership Discusses the differences between both concepts and explains why both terms are thought to be similar  
Difference Between Management And Leadership II Compares traits of managers and leaders  
Leadership Development: Past, Present, and Future This article reviews notable trends in the leadership development field. In the past two decades, such trends included the proliferation of new leadership development methods and a growing recognition of the importance of a leader's emotional resonance with others. pdf 2004  
Leadership Guide 17 chapters and 9 appendices about leadership, including topics like concepts, styles, leadership and communication, motivation, time management etc. (scroll down a bit to see the actual leadership guide) TOP
Leadership in the Next Millennium Richard Aldersea discusses the dilemmas facing organizations and HR professionals, such as unique qualities required to lead the organization of tomorrow; actions, skills and strategies that leaders will need; How do you develop leaders from where they are to where they will need to be?  
Leadership Styles This section looks both at styles which are inherent to the leader and at those which can be adopted according to the circumstances.   
Leadership, Prisoners’ Dilemmas, and Politics The prisoners’ dilemma is a ubiquitous problem that can be effectively addressed by good leaders, but which is a major obstacle to achieving good leadership. Pdf-file 97 KB. 2005 TOP
Leading Those That Remain After Downsizing Or Job Loss     
Management Styles Glossary    
Michael Porters big ideas: If you want to make a difference as a leader, you've got to make time for strategy.  
Presentation Skills for Emergent Managers  Presentations are one of the first managerial skills which a junior engineer must acquire. This article looks at the basics of Presentation Skills as they might apply to an emergent manager.   
The Changing Nature of Leadership: A CCL Research Report How has leadership changed and will it look different in the future? The Center for Creative Leadership explored this question with more than 300 leaders - and uncovered some important, emerging trends. pdf-file 2006  
The Leadership Role Understand, design, execute, assess and develop. A successful leader has to do them all and do them all brilliantly. This author serves up five key lessons in leadership. Pdf-file 124 KB. 2005  
Visionary leadership (does it exist?) What does it take to be a true visionary leader. Includes examples of past and present visionary leaders  
Where Style Meets Substance An article on new trends in leadership. Pdf-file  

Related Information
Knowledgebase - Management - Change - Leadership and Change



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Part 1: Applying Lessons Learned from Research about Strategic Leadership Development

Robert M. Fulmer, PhD, and Jared L. Bleak, EdD
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In his latest page-turning work of business fiction, best-selling author Patrick Lencioni provides readers with another powerful and thought-provoking book, this one centered around a cure for the most painful yet underestimated problem of modern business: bad meetings. And what he suggests is both simple and revolutionary.

Turning Goals into Results: The Power of Catalytic Mechanisms (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition)
by James C. Collins
Most executives have a big, hairy, audacious goal. They write vision statements, formalize procedures, and develop complicated incentive programs--all in pursuit of that goal. In other words, with the best of intentions, they install layers of stultifying bureaucracy. But it doesn't have to be that way. In this article, Jim Collins introduces the catalytic mechanism, a simple yet powerful managerial tool that helps translate lofty aspirations into concrete reality.

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Level 5 Leadership: The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition) 
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Boards of directors typically believe that transforming a company from merely good to truly great requires a larger-than-life personality--an egocentric chief to lead the corporate charge. Think "Chainsaw" Al Dunlap or Lee Iacocca. In fact, that's not the case, says author and leadership expert Jim Collins. The essential ingredient for taking a company to greatness is having a "Level 5" leader at the helm--an executive in whom extreme personal humility blends paradoxically with intense professional will. Collins paints a compelling and counterintuitive portrait of the skills and personality traits necessary for effective leadership.

The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels
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Whether challenged with taking on a startup, turning a business around, or inheriting a high-performing unit, a new leader's success or failure is determined within the first 90 days on the job. In this hands-on guide, Michael Watkins, a noted expert on leadership transitions, offers proven strategies for moving successfully into a new role at any point in one's career. The First 90 Days provides a framework for transition acceleration that will help leaders diagnose their situations, craft winning transition strategies, and take charge quickly.




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